Eradicating Poverty One Family at a Time


We plan events that will educate, appreciate and motivate our donors. Click here for a calendar of our upcoming events.

Annual Trivia Night

BanglaDash 2023


There are many ways you can support our work by creating your own fundraiser! Get your friends together and Google fundraising ideas. From a simple lemonade stand or bake sale to creating a talent show and charging admission — there are an endless number of ways you can raise money for PSDI.  It’s a great way to teach philanthropy to children. We will be happy to supply you with information or resources you may need to get started. Contact us by email or call 314.993.5599 for more information.


Join a group of women who share a passion for poverty eradication - our Women Empowering Women or WEW group!  We are currently raising funds to support PSDI's small garment and embroidery industry in Bangladesh.  The group Zooms together a couple of times a year to celebrate the wonderful women we support.  Contact us for more information.  


PSDI Ambassadors are a special group of young people committed to eradicating poverty in Bangladesh by increasing the awareness of the need and raising funds to support the work through PSDI. Benefits include:

  • Understanding the Bangladesh culture and the significant need to help families lift themselves out of poverty

  • Meeting others like yourself who are committed to serving the poor

  • Making a difference in the lives of families in Bangladesh

  • Having an opportunity to visit Bangladesh

Contact us by email or call 314.993.5599 for more information.


Help us inform your family and friends about your interest in eradicating poverty in Bangladesh by lending you voice on behalf of many. Share a tweet, re-post our photos on your timeline or just come follow along and see the work we are doing, together, in Bangladesh.


We create a newsletter each month to keep our supporters up-to-date on our work in Bangladesh. Sign up below to begin receiving our newsletter and be informed.


We have a team of committed volunteers and staff ready to share information about poverty in Bangladesh and our unique poverty eradication model. We can work with you to customize our presentation to fit your needs and time restraints. Sharing our information is a gift you can give others that will make a real difference in their lives. Contact us by email or call 314.993.5599 for more information.


Celebrate your birthday or other special occasion by raising money for poor families in Bangladesh through Facebook. It’s simple and fun! Click here for infographic on how to set it up. Contact us to get a photo for your post!